

thanks a lot for visiting my blog, for once or checking it everyday, thanks! I'm really enjoying in sharing everything with you all! Guess I'm helping someone to be updated everyday :)
I've reached 100,000 views, I mean you all did that by checking my blog out, in just 6 months! 

Thanks again! Kisses! xx

Some perfect photos of them at Teen Awards 7.10.2012. ♥

He has changed so much. Starting of his hair. I just love his quiff so much! His eyes have always been perfect! He is just so cute with his Irish accent! 
I have nothing to say hahah. Just look at his beautiful sparkly eyes... And yeah, we can see a little bit of facial hair.
Beautiful. Your argument is invalid.
He has changed the most. Longer hair, highlights, facial hair, different style.
Boyfriends (hahaah)

BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards, red carpet, 7.10.2012. HQ

Just please click on the photos to enlarge!